What is an Associate Member?

It is any company, organization or individual within the tourism industry that supports the objectives of the Cape Tourist Guides Association (CTGA) and tourist guides in a mutually beneficial relationship.


We are operating in unusual and interesting times that are impacting everyone one way or the other.  It is important that we work together as a team and continue to support each other in any way possible.  We would therefore like to thank you for your continued support especially during the last few years

To support you and your businesses, we have kept the Corporate Members Fees for 2023 (at pre-covid prices) and at the same time maximising our benefits to everyone who joins in the new year.  With covid something of the past, we will continue to provide you with a cost-effective platform to market and promote your business.

2024/5 Fee Structure

We would therefore like to thank you for your continued support. To support you and your businesses, we will continue to provide you with a cost-effective platform to market and promote your business.

We are offering you a 12months membership (1st March 2024 – 28th February 2025) at a nominal cost of R2500.  Please bear in mind that membership is renewed annually


  • 12-month CTGA associate membership (1st March 2024 – 28th February 2025) at a cost of R2500
  • Your company logo will be displayed on CTGA’s home page with an active hyperlink to your website
  • Advertising on the CTGA website via banner adverts. CTGA will provide size specification and members design their own banner adverts.
  • Invitations to CTGA monthly members meetings – a great opportunity to address members and highlight your offerings
  • Utilize our social media platforms to promote your events and campaigns
  • Access to the CTGA database to interact with the members directly.
  • CTGA’s logo available to place on your website, promoting your support of registered tourist guides.
  • Your Site Guides can join CTGA at a reduced membership fee of R250.00 pa.  
  • We provide you with a membership certificate that can be displayed in your offices.
  • Access to CTGA monthly newsletter for advertising specials and promotions 
  • The opportunity to advertise in the Annual Digital Guide Directory accessed by key industry stakeholders

Contact Dev Jeaven at associates@tourguides.capetown to become a CTGA Associate Member.

  • Banking details 

    CTGA is now operating as an Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) and a new bank account was opened in February 2024.

     All membership payments must be made to the following account:

     FirstRand Bank Limited (FNB):

    Account type: BUSINESS CURRENT

    Account in the name of: CTGA

    Branch name: PINELANDS

    Account number: 63089090525

    Branch code: 250655

    • Please email proof of payment and the application form to:info@tourguides.capetown
    • The annual membership fees are discretionary and may change at the end of a financial year.

Below are our Associate Members. Please click on their logos to visit their websites.